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 Constitution and Bylaws


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Key Club of Mater Academy Charter Middle School. 

ARTICLE II: Organization

Section 1. Its form of organization, its ideals, and its purpose shall be similar to those of the Kiwanis Club of Hialeah.

 Section 2. It shall be sponsored by, but not a part of, Kiwanis club of Hialeah. The Kiwanis Club assumes all chartering costs.

ARTICLE III: Objects and Activities

  • To provide opportunities for working together in service to school and community.

  • To develop leadership potential.

  • To foster the development of strong moral character.

  • To encourage loyalty to school, community and nation.


Article III - Mission Statement

Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership.

Article IV- Pledge

“I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.”


Article V - Motto

“Caring- our way of life ”

Article VI: Vision

To develop competent, capable, caring leaders through the vehicle of service.

Article VII- Core Values

  • Character building: The ability to do the right thing, even when it might be the unpopular choice.

  • Leadership: The ability to listen, communicate, serve and guide others.

  • Inclusiveness: Accepting and welcoming differences in other people.

  • Caring: The act of being concerned about or interested in other people or situations.


Article VIII Membership

Section 1. Membership in the club is open to any middle school student attending Mater Academy Charter School with a G.P.A of at least 2.0.

Section 2. The organizers are responsible for researching and coming up with a plan of implementation for each of the events sponsored by the club.


Article IX- Dues

Section 1. Total amount dues shall be $20.00 per member, which is the sum of district dues and international dues.

Article X- Officers

Section 1. Officers shall be president, vice president, secretary, and Historian. They shall serve for one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualify. Because of the important nature of the role of President, this position will be appointed by the club sponsor. If the roles of the officers are not fulfilled to the maximum the sponsor and assistant may ask the officer in question to resign.

Section 2. The roles of these officers include but are not limited to the following:


a) Organize and run every other Thursday’s club meeting

b) Oversee all club events and activities

c) Coordinate with the Club Sponsor on all club events

d) Respond to any inquiries concerning the club and be the official club representative of the school.


a) Assist the president in their duties

b) Take the place of the president if the president is unavailable

c) Attend the IOC and report information to and from the club



a) Keep Club Members Attendance

b) Keep Activity Records

c) Keep Minutes of Club Meetings


a) Update club bulletin board

b) Make flyers when we have an event

Article XI: Protocol

Section 1. The club will hold meetings every other Thursday. Attendance will be taken at each meeting.

Section 2. Students may be asked to meet after school and some weekends in order to participate in some activities. Parents will be given sufficient notice if students are asked to meet on weekends. It is the parent’s responsibility to pick-up and drop-off their children for functions outside normal school hours.

Section 3. Meetings will include the discussion of upcoming events, club concerns, future projects, fundraising and other business.

Section 4. At the beginning of the school year, the club will select one activity to participate in each month.

Section 5. The Club will select club wide-activities for the following approximate time frames. These time frames are subject to change and more can be added if needed.

Section 6. Members will receive a star for every activity, fundraiser and attending three meetings. When received five stars they will be accepted to go on a club field trip.

Article XII. Discipline

Section 1. Members are expected to be examples of positive student leaders throughout the school, in the community and in the nation. As such they will abide by all Mater Academy Rules and be visible examples of excellence for the entire school community.

Evelyne Rodriguez - Mater Academy Charter High Webmaster

Site created in 2019 By Michael Sanchez

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